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Elk Ivory
Please have a look around and remember this is just a sampling of Tom's work. Please contact us if you have something special in mind.
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What is Scrimshaw?
Generally acknowledged as the only original American art-form, scrimshaw as we know it now was born during the 18th century when whalers had an abundance of ivory teeth taken from the Sperm Whale which they hunted for its oil. They also had lots of idle time and out of it developed an art-form in which a jackknife, sharpened nail or canvas needle was used to scratch a design in a polished surface of an ivory whales tooth, the design was then rubbed with lamp black, squid ink or India ink, the ink was then wiped off and only the scratches held the ink forming the design. From these crude beginnings, scrimshaw was perfected into a fine art-form with color and photographic quality work possible with the use of magnification.
Tom High's scrimshaw reflects the area that he loves and is familiar with, the Rocky Mountains. Like the whalers of old that used the ships, whales, and sea as their inspiration. Tom has perfected the artwork of the wildlife and nature he surrounds himself in.
We do NOT condone the killing of animals for there teeth, claws or horns.